Like it? Your sweet view is fantastic, honey! If I lived next door to you, I'd be crawling to your wicker chair and planting my lips on your lips - pussy lips that is! (We can get to the passionate kissing and tongue action a little later. I would enjoy holding your beautiful face in my hands and making out with you, as I fondle your gorgeous breasts and nipples.) But back to your lovely pussy. My tongue action, sucking and finger fucking would give you some amazing orgasms. After you have enough cunt eating, I'll fill you with my cock and fuck you the way you desire. Which do you want? Easy going, or hard and fast? What's your preference, honey? Oh, I should also ask, would your husband want to watch? Or possibly participate? I'm good with whatever he likes doing. So, what do you say? Love and sucks, Bob . . I would kiss you instantly between your lips and during that I would move closer to your mouthlips. And back again to start new. Ah yes, the mounds of plenty, the valley of pleasure, and a big grin to top it all off. Yes, I do believe I like the view! Mr. M. Mm mm nice view. I would enjoy licking your gorgeous pussy and then dumping a load of cum all over those lovely tits and pussy. Fuck ya. Want to bury my face in and give you long slow licks. Then swirl around your clit until you cum on my face.
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